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Traditional herbalist makes gruesome discovery in Kariega

The blanket the deceased was wrapped in

A traditional herbalist had the shock of his life when he discovered a fully clothed human skeleton in a drain bridge in Kwanobuhle, Kariega.

Monwabisi Makhwetha says that while he was looking for indigenous herbs on Saturday evening, as he usually does on weekends, he noticed something wrapped in a blanket near Nomakhwezana Street.

He says out of curiosity he unwrapped the blanket and to his surprise, a human skull rolled out of it.

He says he was so shocked that he immediately left the area and went home but he didn't sleep a wink.

"I went home after I saw the skeleton but I couldn't sleep all night as I kept having visions of what I had seen," Makhwetha added.

On Sunday, a panicked Makhwetha contacted an Algoa FM journalist who was in the same area to assist him in trying to contact the relevant authorities.

He also took the journalist to the scene where he had made the discovery.

Makhwetha reported the matter to a local police station who went out to the scene with him.

He told Algoa FM News that he will sleep peacefully knowing that the deceased person's family who might have been in the dark about his whereabouts will finally get closure.

The identity of the victim is unknown at this stage and anybody who might have information is asked to contact the police.

He was wearing brown pants and a denim jacket with a purple cap.

It is not yet clear if police are investigating a murder or an inquest.