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Top NMB official sacked

The DA-led coalition council in Nelson Mandela Bay says the fight for clean administration and accountability took a major step forward with sacking for former Corporate Services Head, Mod Ndoyana.

According to a statement Ndoyana was served with a letter of dismissal yesterday ending a lengthy disciplinary process and an extended period of suspension after he was accused of irregularities.

Mayoral Committee member for Corporate Services, Dean Biddulph, said Ndoyana's dismissal opens the way for new administration to appoint a fresh face into the critical position of Executive Director for Corporate Services.

He said it also ends a strong message that this administration will vigorously pursue every disciplinary process until all outstanding matters are concluded.

"We commit to appointing a new Corporate Services Executive Director who will take this Metro forward through clean and principled governance.This is the second high profile case that has been successfully prosecuted and includes the recent dismissal of Supply Chain Management employee Sox Nkanjeni," said Biddulph.

"A number of long outstanding matters are progressing well, such as that of a suspended senior Budget and Treasury official who will appear in front of a disciplinary panel in late January. Several high level suspensions have recently taken place and we aim to complete all outstanding investigations in 2017."

"This government remains determined to make good on our election promises of stopping corruption," he said.