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Tavern Tragedy: Blame the adults

Opinion piece by Online News Editor

As the entire country waits for the findings of the forensic examination into the deaths of 21 teenagers in a tavern in East London, questions continue to be asked as to how this was allowed to happen and who is to blame?

To state that South Africans have a drinking problem might be an understatement as the recent Covid-19 lockdown was proof that the majority of citizens cannot cope without some sort of adult beverage.

As far back as 2012 already the South African Medical Journal referred to SA as hard drinkers and based their findings on a report from the World Health Organisation (WHO) stating that SA had the highest per capita consumption rates in the world.

Every single crime stat report released by the South African Police will refer to alcohol and the role it plays in crime, accidents and gender-based violence.

But let us return to the events that played out at the Enyobeni Tavern in Scenery Park on Saturday.

"WARNING": Don't waste your time searching for vibes, it's going to be lit this weekend"

This was the message posted on the tavern's Facebook page.

In the now-deleted post, they promise to supply a VIP experience with food, alcohol and hookah pipes.

This was the message that went viral on social media teasing teenagers to partake in what was labelled as the party of the year, but for over 18's only.

Imagine, forbidden fruit, offered for free.

South Africans are now outraged and shocked that parents would allow their children to attend tavern parties, but alas, let me not tell you about the night in matric I was stuck in a "parkie" with my friend and a backpack with a six-pack of Reds, only to discover that we both lied to our parents and had nowhere to sleep for the night.

It is time we allow children to do what they do and demand that adults do what is expected from them.

If you want to point a finger then look at the tavern owner, the Eastern Cape Liquor Board (ECLB) and the Buffalo City Metro (BCM) who did not play their part in avoiding this tragedy.

BCM has confirmed, on the record that the tavern never applied for or obtained approval for the structural renovations to his property, nor was any application received for the property’s rezoning.

Furthermore, they stated that the tavern operated illegally in terms of the Zoning Scheme, not to mention the fact that no permission was granted to extend the tavern's trading hours.

How then was it possible for the ECLB to issue a license as the tavern did not comply with half of their requirements?

Messages of condolences and regret are nothing more than lip service.

Someone did not do their job and now 21 children are dead.