Police Minister Bheki Cele on Tuesday officially opened a R50 million state-of-the-art police station halfway between Matatiele and Mount Fletcher.
The long-awaited police station came after pleas from the local communities, which are situated near the Lesotho border.
They have raised concerns about rampant crime, especially cross-border crimes such as stock theft and citizenship.
Addressing those present, Cele said, "I am told this is a gateway police station going to the Lesotho border.
"This is a beginning of how things should be done. We will work hard to increase members to have a good mix of locally based members and those coming from far away," the Police minister said.
The new station, called the Pholile Police Station, was allocated six vehicles which include two police vans, a Quantum minibus and three bakkies that will be utilized by Detectives and Crime Prevention Unit.
-African News Agency (ANA)