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Sexwale launches EL housing project

Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale launched a new housing project in Buffalo City in partnership with the Buffalo City Municipality.

Sexwale said the nine-story Southernwood Square Social Housing Project pushed the boundaries in design and structural engineering while maximizing density on a confined site.

The project consists of 249 units.

Sexwale says it's important for him to not only allocate money to municipalities, but to see the progress for himself.

The minister says the building caters for households earning between R2500 and R7500 per month.

"We getting people closer to the cities. This project is only a few minutes from the CBD, people actually walk to work. There is no transport cost for people who live here," he said.

Sexwale said "this project is only a couple of minutes from amenities like police stations, education stations and so on, so we are hyped up about this one."