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Satellite police station for Quigney

A satellite community police station has been opened at Quigney in East London in response to the rising crime rate on the city's beachfront.

The satellite police station was launched as a joint initiative between the police and local business.

Police captain Thamsanqa Mrwebi says the satellite station is long overdue as the beachfront area is notorious for crimes such as smash and grabs from cars, rape and robbery.

Local businessman Russell Osner says his company has joined forces with a local supermarket chain on whose property the satellite community police station was established.

"We are hoping now that this would alleviate the crime rate on the beachfront over the weekends and festive seasons, we look forward to supporting the community policing forums and being involved and we are very proud to be involved with the SAP with their new community policing station situated on the beachfront" Osner said.