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Resurgence of Covid19 in WC – Winde


Western Cape Premier Alan Winde has appealed to citizens of the province to adopt as many precautionary steps as possible.

“The Western Cape Government is deeply concerned about the growing number of Covid-19 infections and hospitalisations in the province, which can now be considered as an established resurgence,” he said during a digital media conference on Wednesday.

A resurgence is when the number of active cases increases, week-on-week, by more than 20%.

“Over the last week alone, the province has witnessed a 52.1% jump in new cases, with an established pattern over time,” Winde said.

“There is also now established community transmission of the virus again in this province, which means that it is spreading within communities at a faster rate.

This growth is primarily driven by two districts in the Western Cape: the Garden Route and the Cape Metro.”

Winde said last week, the Province issued a hotspot alert for the Garden Route, following an alarming growth of cases in the area.

“This surge has continued to gain momentum and there are now more active cases in George and Knysna sub-districts than at any point in the pandemic to date,” he added.

The Premier said that the City of Cape Town is following a similar trajectory to this Garden Route “and looks to be about 10-14 days behind.”

"We are therefore also issuing a hotspot alert for the (Cape) Metro," he said, adding there was only one option available and that was to bring the situation under control through our own actions.

"We have to do everything possible to ensure that we do not get infected by Covid-19 and that we do not spread Covid-19. The virus is not gone but will be with us over the holidays and beyond," Winde said.