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Results of "cheating" matriculants remain "blocked"

The Department of Basic Education says the results of learners at 14 exam centres in the Eastern Cape will remain blocked.

However, the Department said that there are two centres where the results in some subjects will be unblocked.

Department spokesperson Elijah Mhlanga, says in one school the results of two candidates out of 80 will be released because the two had not been implicated in cheating.

He says at another Eastern Cape school where 13 candidates wrote exams the results of eight candidates will be released and five blocked because they had been implicated.

Meanwhile, the results of all 20 exam centres in Kwazulu Natal where cheating had taken place, will remain blocked.

However, Mhlanga says the results of those learners who were not implicated in any cheating will be released.

The Department of Education says sanctions against learners and invigilators will be determined once formal hearings are held.