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Residents and stakeholders must re-apply for exemption of water restrictions -NMBM

As the critical water situation continues, the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality calls on all residents and stakeholders who had been granted Water Restriction Concessions (exemptions) to re-apply, as the old exemptions are no longer valid. Failure to re-apply and continuation of water usage in terms of the old exemption will result in the Municipality imposing water restriction penalties. 

This will not only hit the affected consumers' pockets hard, it will also force the Municipality to install water meter restrictors on the relevant properties to limit usage.

This follows the announcement of Water Restrictions Notice 4 late last month.

In terms of Water Restrictions Notice 4, the following must be adhered to:

• No use of hosepipes is allowed (to water gardens, wash cars, hose down walls or paving, top up
pools, fountains or ponds, etc.), unless:
- The water is from a source other than municipal potable water.
- The water is used for fire-fighting purposes.
· No use of municipal water supply is allowed for watering plants, unless:
- The water is carried in a hand-held container
- The water is from a source other than municipal
- The water is used at a commercial, municipal or state nursery (where watering must take place using hand-held containers if municipal water is used).
• No use of sprinklers or irrigation systems is allowed unless the water is from a source other than municipal potable water.
• All building contractors must use treated effluent, collected from Fishwater Flats WWTW or any other
appropriate wastewater treatment works at which disposal facilities exist, other than for concrete work.
• All borehole users must register with the Municipality and abide by the legislative conditions
applicable to the use of borehole water for domestic use on the property only.
• No use of automatic urinal flushing systems is allowed.

In addition to the legal requirements aimed at conserving our limited water resources, all residents are encouraged to limit their water consumption to 50 litres per person per day and households to limit their overall consumption to 400 litres per day or 12kl per month.

Additional stricter measures imposed, of particular importance to high domestic users, contractors and borehole users, are as follows:
• All domestic users using more than 30 kl per month of water will be given four weeks' notice to fix leaks or reduce their water consumption, failing which a flow meter restrictor will be installed to limit their water usage, as it is regarded as being wasteful use in terms of Clause 65 of the Water and Sanitation Services By-Law.
• Borehole water from trial holes will be made available free of charge for non-potable use at the Motherwell Cemetery, under strict access conditions. The volume per use will be as directed by the NMBM Executive Director: Infrastructure and Engineering.
• All current and future borehole users and drilling contractors must, in terms of Clause 83 of the NMBM Water and Sanitation By-Law, register at the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (Infrastructure and Engineering Director: Water and Sanitation – Water Distribution).

With immediate effect, the Municipality will enforce by-laws around water consumption at car washes and residential complexes. These include that:

• Car washes recycle 60% of municipal water used, in terms of Clause 73 of the NMBM Water and Sanitation By-Law.
• All multi-dwelling precincts such as blocks of flats, townhouse complexes, retirement villages and sectional title complexes are required to install water meters to measure the water supplied to each individual unit, at the cost of the body controlling the relevant precinct.

Reapplication for concession can be made to waterrestrictions@mandelametro.gov.za

Please call 0800 20 50 50 for water leaks, pipe bursts and all your Municipal service delivery problems.

Issued by Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Communications Office.