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President visits families of slain EL women

President Cyril Ramaphosa is currently in East London visiting the family of murdered UCT student Uyinene Mrwetyana.

She was brutally raped and murdered inside the Claremont post office in Cape Town last week.

A post office employee is being held in connection with her rape and murder

Olwethu Xabanisa of AlgoaFM News is outside the Mgwetyana family home in Beacon Bay, East London, where a sombre President Ramaphosa arrived a short while ago.

He was ushered inside and the front door closed, with the media asked to wait outside.  

The President is also due to visit the families of two other East London women murdered in the past two week, champion boxer Leighandre 'Baby Lee' Jegels, and Angelique Clark Abrahams who'd been in a coma for a few days before dying in hospital on Tuesday.