The award-winning teacher who allegedly sexually assaulted a 10-year-old boy in his class earlier this year and was rearrested on December 13 after claims of rape surfaced briefly appeared in the Plettenberg Bay Magistrate's Court Thursday.
The matter was however postponed to December 23 for a formal bail application
According to police spokesman Captain Malcolm Pojie the 42-year-old teacher was arrested after a 15-year-old boy claimed that the accused raped him twice in one day in June this year.
Pojie said the first incident allegedly happened in a classroom during breaktime and the second incident allegedly took place in the school's bathrooms after school on the same day.
The teacher was out on R3 000 bail in another matter at the time of his latest arrest.
He was also arrested on June 22 after claims surfaced that he allegedly sexually assaulted a Grade 4 boy on two occasions, but was subsequently released on bail under strict conditions.
The matter was later transferred to the Knysna Magistrate's Court where it is scheduled to be heard on January 22 next year.
"We really cannot allow people accused of such serious crimes, which today in court was mentioned as a schedule 6 to be released on bail," Women and Men Against Child Abuse spokesman Joanne Barrett said.
"Considering bail for the accused sends out a message to the public that these crimes are not taking seriously.We have had enough of easy bail conditions and lenient jail sentences. The child remains a victim for life. We demand harsher sentences."
Yolande' Stander
Garden Route Media