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Plato in Plett to talk about recent violent protests

Western Cape Safety Minister, Dan Plato, is in Plettenberg Bay to meet stakeholders over the recent violent protests in the town.
He told Algoa FM News on Tuesday morning that he will be meeting Bitou mayor Memory Booysen, the business community and local residents among other stakeholders.
Recent violent protests in Plettenberg Bay saw some businesses and municipal properties torched.

Minister Plato says his main aim is to find lasting solutions to the problems that led to the violence and to ensure that there is no recurrence.

"I will also chat to the station commander to look at the police, the arrests they have made and the plans they have put into place to prevent this from happening in the future, but also how best for the community and the municipality to work together instead of fighting with each other. We hope we will reach some solutions today" Plato said.