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PE: Two drown one missing

 A 23-year-old man drowned at Blue Water Bay, in Port Elizabeth on Wednesday, after he was swept out to sea by rip currents.

The National Sea Rescue Institute says about 50 people from the Vista Rus home for children were swimming, when five of them were swept out to sea.

NSRI spokesperson, Craig Lambinon says three of them were rescued.

He says lifeguards on a jet ski found a 23-year-old man face down in the surf.

He could not be resuscitated and was declared dead.

Lambinon says a 16-year-old boy remains missing and the police's dive unit is continuing with a search.

Meanwhile man also drowned at the Noordhoek Camping terrain in Port Elizabeth.

Police Spokesperson Captain Stanley Jarvis says the 23 year old Justin Fritz was last seen on the 30th of December, but his friends thought that he had gone back home.

His body was found this morning under rocks in a tidal pool