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PE motorists attacked in Victoria Drive

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Port Elizabeth police are investigating another incident on Victoria Drive near the Glendore turnoff in an area well-known for attacks on motorists and cyclists.

Captain Sandra Janse van Rensburg says a woman’s car was stoned at around 8.20 am on Monday and moments later the driver of another vehicle was also attacked.

She says the woman was driving home on Victoria Drive when she noticed three suspicious-looking men walking towards two women standing at the bus stop.

The complainant then drove towards the men in an attempt to assist the two ladies, but they then split up and one of them threw a stone into the left side of her front windscreen.

When this happened, the complainant stopped and noticed that another vehicle driven by an unknown man had also come to a halt.

The suspects also stoned his vehicle damaging his left side window and it is further alleged that they attacked him and stabbed him several times.

Captain Janse van Rensburg told Algoa FM News that a case of Malicious Injury to Property was opened by the female complainant and that the male victim is expected to open a case after receiving treatment for his injuries.

The community is one again reminded to be extra vigilant when driving on Victoria Drive as it is regarded as a crime hotspot.