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PE labour court declares NEHAWU strike unlawful

The ongoing unprotected and illegal strike led by members from the National, Education, Health and Allied Workers Union NEHAWU has been officially declared unlawful by a labour court in Port Elizabeth.

The Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs obtained an urgent labour court interdict restraining employees from engaging in the unprotected strike.

The interdicted employees have been on an illegal unprotected strike since January over recruitment processes and the reinstatement of leadership within the Department.

Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department spokesperson Mamkeli Ngam says as a result of the court order all employees were compelled to return to work by on Monday.

"Indeed we did receive that court interdict and it is in full force to try and bring normality and stability into the Department. Since the strike action took place since the 29th January, service delivery had been negatively affected. It is the view of the department as a result of the court action our employees will be able to go back to work and continue with business of government." says Ngam.