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PE clinic to “close” as 11 health workers test positive for COVID19

Five health sector trade unions have joined forces to ‘close’ the Zwide Clinic in Nelson Mandela Bay after they said 11 health workers tested positive for Covid19.

The trade unions are Sassawu, Denosa, Nehawu, Demawusa and YNITU.

In a joint statement on Sunday, they said that other staff members were still awaiting the outcome of their test results after an employee who worked in the pharmacy died and was “found to be Covid19 positive”.

They said staff demanded to be tested and the entire clinic deep-cleaned, but the unions claimed that the company had only cleaned the pharmacy where the deceased staff member had worked.

They said when the test results started to come in last Thursday, one staff member had tested positive, and by Saturday this number had climbed to 11.

“On Friday 8 May, all health unions asked the district (Health Department) to close the clinic, send staff home until they know their results, and to bring the disinfecting team back to clean the whole clinic,” the Unions said.

“In response, the District issued a new Standard Operating Plan which says all health workers who have tested for (the) coronavirus, must continue to work until they get their results,” the Unions said.

“Our belief as Combined Health Unions is that should any clinic staff member test positive for Covid-19, the staff must be tested and at least given a chance to isolate and the facilities must be entirely cleaned.”

“Staff must only come back when they have tested negative,” the Unions said.

The Eastern Cape Health Department said the Zwide Clinic, which sees up to 500 patients a day, will be decontaminated on Monday.

Health special advisor, Dr Litha Matiwane, said it would remain closed until all the test results from the other health workers are received.

However, he could not say how long this would take.