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OR Tambo district declared disaster area following freak storm

A special council of the OR Thambo Municipality sat in Mthatha today and after receiving a comprehensive report of the devastating storms in the area earlier this month, declared a local state of disaster in the O.R Tambo District.

The municipality says it will continue to do all in its power to minimize further loss of life and damage to property and infrastructure - and work closely with all sectors of society to ensure a coordinated and coherent approach in assisting those affected.

Friday's report to council revealed that more than R200 million in damages was caused by the storms of the 2nd of January which killed two people, left 859 families homeless and severely damaged private and public property.

More than 300 hectars of crops were affected and 41 livestock were killed.  

Fifteen schools in the district were damaged to the tune of 12 million rand.

Electricity supply by Eskom to some 60 000 customers in the area was affected and the cost of repair to electricity infrastructure has been put at 13 million rand.