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Numsa launches scathing attack on Blade Nzimande

Numsa general-secretary, Irvin Jim, has launched a scathing attack on SACP leader, Blade Nzimande, saying it was a grave mistake to bury so many SACP leaders into the nationalist government of the ANC.

Numsa called a media briefing at Numsa headquarters in Port Elizabeth on Tuesday to respond to statements by Nzimande to isolate, expose and destroy the current Numsa leadership in general and Jim in particular.

Jim said Numsa currently cannot deny that it has a fundamental philosophical, ideological and political problem with the SA Communist Party under Nzimande's leadership.

He also called for an urgent life-style audit of SACP leaders and members, which he said should be done every six month.

"We whole heartedly agree on life style audits. We actually urgently need them. The SACP leaders and members can take the lead and assist all of us by doing life style audits every 6 months.
We do remember that when Zwelinzima Vavi called for lifestyle audits, Blade Nzimande said he is a populist. We are happy to note that Blade has now changed his mind and is in favour of life style audits. However, we recognise this as opportunism, from Blade Nzimande and his friends at the SACP," Jim said.

"Numsa nevertheless calls for lifestyle audits as well, like Cosatu. But we want it as follows:
a) All leaders of the alliance and MDM formations must be subjected to it from ANC NEC to COSAS REC's,
b) Brothers, cousins, wives and children must be investigated and results be made public, and
c) For each ANC-aligned structure (ANC, SACP, COSATU, COSATU Affiliates, Progressive Business Forum, SASCO, COSAS, SANCO, SACC), the audit must target the NEC/CC, PEC, and REC.
Such an audit would in fact help us all to understand the processes of class formation in the Liberation Movement post 1994 leadership, and to know who the "receptionists" of "white monopoly capital and imperialism" in post 1994 South Africa are.'

Turning to allegations made by the SACP regarding fraudulent activity in the Numa Investment Company, Jim said the union had taken action by dismissing CEO Tony Kgobe, and bringing formal charges against him.

As the union prepares for its historic Special National Congress, Jim called on Numsa members to ignore all manner of distractions and obstacles emanating from what he said were the real enemies of the South African working class.

He also threw down the gauntlet to Nzimande, challenging him to publicly declare, among other things, whether the SACP has a stake in the Gautrain or whether Nzimande had received any money from controversial KZN businessman, Jay Singh.

"We must ask the following questions which Blade must answer publicly;
1. Is it true that the SACP's Investment Arm has a stake in Gautrain?
2. Can we have the truth about the black bag which is alleged to have contained R500 000? Can we ask the Hawks and the Public Protector to investigate this?
3. Did the SACP benefit in kind and financially from the sale of the eThekwini municipal busses in 2002?
4. Did the SACP receive any money from the KZN business man called Singh whose company was responsible for the collapse of the mall in Tongaat?
5. Is it true that the SACP National Chairperson paid R700 000 for Madiba painting at the recent ANC fundraising function? Was this his own money or the NUM's money? Is the SACP National Chairperson and President of the NUM a businessman?
6. Did Blade bring his brother in law into a government job?
7. Is it true that Blade's brother purchased a bakkie for the SADTU KZN Provincial Secretary? (who also happens to be the SACP KZN Regional Treasurer)
Numsa shall in due course consult with our Attorneys to consider a defamation claim against Blade and the SACP Central Committee."