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Newton Park swimming pool to open end of May?

 Repairs to the Newton Park swimming pool should be completed by the end of May, according to reply to a question provided by Acting Sport, Recreation, Arts and Cultural Services Executive Director Charmaine Williams.

Williams says that tenders for the work are being adjudicated and it was estimated that the site handover would take place on March 30.

In a report, Williams said it had been decided by the committee in October last year that legal action should be pursued against the contractor responsible for the problems with the tiles that had resulted in the baths being closed.

She said the committee had also resolved that a service provider would be appointed to remove and replace the defective tiling and that an amount of R700 000 be provided for this.

Williams said six tenders had been received for the project, but that because Supply Chain Management had “shut down” and bid committees were not sitting during December “nothing was done until January”.

She said the tender documentation had been checked for compliance by the municipality’s Architectural Services and on January 15 had been submitted for evaluation.

Williams explained that this process was “still underway” after which a report would be submitted to the Bid Evaluation Committee and Bid Adjudication Committee.

She added that a meeting had been arranged with the Director: Legal Services with regard to securing a legal opinion on the claim against the original contractor.