Nelson Mandela Bay Council committee meetings to resume next week
01 Feb 2016 | Admin Author
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Nelson Mandela Bay Council committee meetings will resume next week, with Sport Recreation, Arts and Cultural Services breaking the ice on Thursday.
The first Council meeting of the year is scheduled for 22nd January, at which the Annual Report and the Auditor-General’s Report on the metro’s financial statements for the 2013/14 financial year will be tabled.
At that point, the metro will know whether it has achieved an unqualified audit report, which would be an improvement on the qualified opinion it received last year.
The Municipal Public Accounts Committee will start interrogating the Audit Report the following week, at a meeting which will also be attended by representatives from the Office of the Auditor-General.
The 2014/15 Adjustments Budget will be tabled at a joint meeting of the Mayoral and Budget and Treasury committees on the 18th of February, when funding for the Metro Police Service is expected to be revealed.