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Mossel Bay Ponzi scheme couple handed down separate sentences

A Mossel Bay couple behind a R280 million Ponzi scheme was handed down separate sentences in the Thembalethu Regional Court in George on Thursday.

The 56-year-old Graeme and his 52-year-old wife Carolina Minne were found guilty on charges of theft and contravention of the banking law act.

Magistrate Denise Oberholzer sentenced Graeme Minne to an effective 15 years imprisonment.

Oberholzer said that Carolina showed remorse for her actions and was manipulated by her husband.

Carolina was sentenced to three years correctional supervision of which two years will include house arrest. A five-year prison sentence was also suspended for five years.

The couple made promises to investors that they would earn a 4% interest per month or 65% interest per year.

Since starting the scheme in 2002 the Minne's only ever once made a profit and continued to collect millions from hopeful investors. None of the investors received their money back.

Eight of the Minne's nearly 500 victims attended court proceedings on Thursday.