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More court action faces EC Education Dept

The Legal Resources Centre in Grahamstown has appealed to the Bhisho to pay six teachers by next Thursday or face court action.

The LRC said today that it sent a letter of demand to the Head of the Provincial Treasury to pay the six teachers who were part of a large group of temp teachers appointed permanently following an earlier court order.

In June the Legal Resource Centre, acting on behalf of the Child Law Centre and 17 schools, won the order directing the EasternCape Department of Education to employ 108 teachers permanently and remunerate them from the date on which they assumed duty.

However, six have not yet been paid in contravention of the order.

"Our clients have been significantly prejudiced by the ECDOE's disregard for processing the salary payments. The ECDOE's failure to pay these educators has caused undue financial hardships to both the teachers and their schools alike," the letter of demand stated.

The Legal Resource Centre says if the Provincial Treasury "has not satisfied the judgment debt within 14 days of today i.e. 25 July 2013 as required in terms of section 3 (5) of the State Liability Act, we will proceed with a writ of execution against movable property owned by the state and used by the ECDOE."