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Jeff Moloi
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Jeff Moloi

Mohair market posts good gains

The mohair market posted some good gains on the fourth sale of the 2017 summer season. 

The average market indicator closed 4% higher from the previous sale on R192.69 p/kg, with 98.5% of the 113 435 kg's on offer sold.

The weaker SA currency assisted the market on today's sale, with good competition amongst buying houses present at the sale. The good quality
offering also contributed to the better demand on today's sale.

The limited offering that will be available at the stronger end of the clip is also ensuring better competition form the buying houses.

A highest price of R415.00 p/kg was paid for a bale of good style 25 micron kid mohair.

Compared to the previous sale, prices were as follows:
Kids (summer) Up 4%
Young Goats (summer) Up 3%
Fine Adults Up 3%
Strong Adults Up 3%
Average Up 4%

The fifth summer sale will take place on 9 May 2017.