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Milligan day 3 cancelled due to rain

 The results from day three of the 2012 Continental Milligan vintage Trial have been cancelled as a result of the heavy rains experienced on the route, and numerous other delays.

Despite an entertaining 120 km drive lined up for the day, the region was lashed with heavy rain overnight, which continued intermittently throughout the morning's stage, thus making the drive to East London particularly treacherous.

The situation was further exacerbated by unexpected roadworks and even overly inquisitive traffic officials, both of which held up several competitors along the way. As a result the scores from today have been negated, meaning the overall standings are carried over from Tuesday.

It will come as welcome respite for several of the competitors, with the Meyer's Mercedes-Benz encountering a faulty ignition coil, the Idris' Morris Minor delayed with a broken accelerator cable and the 1941 Chevrolet Coupe of Bruce Yendall and Des Hill being sidelined due to a blocked carburettor.
Nevertheless, there were several enjoyable elements to the day for the Continental Milligan Vintage Trial competitors and the Milligan Tour participants too. This included the entertaining yet impossible slippery mountain pass on the rural road off the R72 towards Kwasandile/Chalumna.

For many, the M5 to Cove Rock was particularly memorable, as the narrow winding country lane led down to the edge of the coast and eventually took the teams directly onto the main straight of the historical East London Grand Prix circuit, which officially ended the day's section. Interestingly, this entertaining road actually formed part of the lengthy GP circuit used in the 1930s.

The Milligan crews ultimately landed up at the home of the Border Vintage Car Club near the track, and were warmly welcomed by the club members with hot coffee and delectable treats.

Results - OVERALL (carried over)

1st: Lionel Hewitt and Tony Lyons-Lewis (1954 Austin-Healey 100M #41) - 113 penalty points
2nd: Colin and Susan Meyer (1967 Mercedes-Benz 230S #25) - 119 penalty points
3rd: Rodney and Ruth Idris (1951 Morris Minor #11) - 126 penalty points