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"Meet our demands or schools could be closed" says Forum in Northern Areas

The Northern Areas Education Forum in Port Elizabeth, together with School Governing Bodies and parents, are planning to have a meeting on Thursday to discuss the on-going problem of teacher shortages at schools in the area.

The Forum's chairperson, Ronnie Matthys says a meeting between the Forum and SGB's took place on Tuesday night to find a way forward.

He says although it has not been finalised, schools in the area could be closed to put pressure on the Education Department.

Matthys says parent's took a decision in December last year that if their demands were not met, they would not send their children to school on the first day of the new term.

He says the Department has failed to respond to the challenges facing schools in the area.

"The situation has not changed from last year. It is still dire. There is uncertainty about teachers. I know of a deputy principle from a school who had to sit with a class today of 120 learners" he said.