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Level of NMB Metro's main supply dams continue worrying decline

The summer heat, strong December winds, and influx of tourists are exacting a grim toll on the level of Nelson Mandela Bay's main supply dams.

According to the latest figures released by the Municipality,  the average level of the Metro's four main supply dams is now at just 31.65%.

That's markedly down from the average level of 32.06% at the previous reading taken last Friday.

The Metro's largest supply dam, the Kouga, is at  26.33% and the Churchill at 93.52%. Just a few week's ago the Churchill was overflowing at more than 100% full.

The second largest supply dam, the Impofu, is at a mere 16.87% of capacity and so low, in fact, that water can no-longer be drawn from it using conventional methods.

The Groendal dam which serves the Uitenhage area is at 32.04 %