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Knysna teacher granted bail in indecent assault case

 Despite a "strong prima facie case" against the accused, the Knysna acting deputy principal who allegedly raped and sexually assaulted a 12-year-old pupil at school about two weeks ago, was granted R4000 bail on Tuesday.

The 52-year-old Primary School teacher was released on bail under strict conditions in the Knynsa Regional Court after the court found exceptional circumstances existed - warranting his release.

He added he could understand the State's argument that granting the accused bail would cause outrage in the community as it was the court's duty to "look out for the children in the community" and to act in their interest.

"The investigating officer also said that the plaintiff indicated that she was afraid of the accused and that if he went back to school, she would not return. This brings up her Constitutional right to education which should be protected."

He however said that the court could not make a decision based only on the community's wishes, but needed to act in their interest.

The accused will have to stay with his mother in Grootbrak River during the course of the trial and may not set foot in Knysna.

He is also to report to the local police station every Monday and Friday and may not contact any of the witnesses.
The case was postponed to October 30 for further investigation.

John Harvey