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Knysna joins Worldwide Earth hour

 Saturday, 29 March 2014, 08:30 - 09:30pm the Knysna Municipality will be calling on all Knysna communities to switch off their lights and all electrical appliances as a symbolic gesture to show our commitment to taking positive actions for our planet.

Municipal Manager Lauren Waring said by joining the Worldwide Earth Hour we as people from Knysna have the opportunity to renew our commitment to making our planet a place where we and future generations my prosper in harmony with nature. She encouraged individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off non-essential lights as a symbol of their commitment to the planet.

"We are not always aware of it but our individual actions can, and do, have a great impact on our natural world." Ms Waring said Earth Hour has proved that if you believe in something strongly enough, you can achieve amazing things.

The Knysna Municipality will show their support by switching-off electricity to several of the main municipal buildings and offices during Earth Hour as a demonstration of the town's commitment to protecting our planet.

Ms Waring said it is important that safety during this event is not compromised. "Please ensure that all safety measures are in place when switching-off lights and other electrical appliances."
She encouraged all citizens of Knysna to make the efforts beyond the hour by implementing on-going practices to reduce our impact on the planet. She said the symbolic act of switching off our lights should inspire us to take action.

Here are a few simple ways in which you can make a difference:

*Switch to energy-efficient CFL or LED lights instead of traditional incandescent bulbs.

*Turn off or unplug computers, televisions, cell-phone chargers, microwave ovens, and other appliances and electrical devices when they're not in use instead of leaving them on standby.

*Turn off lights when you leave a room or finish work for the day. Encourage your company to shut off lights and unused appliances when no one is working.

*Use less hot water. This will not only save water, it will also reduce the amount of electricity (or natural gas) you use to keep water hot.

*Only use the washing machine when you have collected a full load. This reduces both water and energy use.

*Don't leave fridge or freezer doors open for longer than necessary, and don't forget that your freezer needs to be defrosted regularly for it to run efficiently.

You can also visit South Africa's Earth Hour website at www.wwf.org.za and find out how you can get involved in protecting the planet!