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Karoo lion 'enjoys' first meal following second escape

The Karoo lion Sylvester that killed 30 animals last year when he roamed 400 kilometres, is missing again, South African National Parks said on Monday.

“A 14-man team including a veterinary surgeon has been following the spoor since this morning and will get airwing support as it appears to be moving towards a mountainous and difficult terrain,” SANParks spokesman Rey Thakhuli said.

Thakhuli said according to the signal from an electronic collar fitted on Sylvester, the three-year-old male has escaped from the Karoo National Park and was near Beaufort West.

“The lion has already killed a cow in another privately-owned farm,” he added.

Sylvester escaped from the park last year for three weeks. In that time he killed 28 sheep, a cow and a kudu.

The search that ended in his recapture involved 10 trackers and police dogs. It cost about R800,000.

– African News Agency (ANA)