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Gunmen rob security guards at PE Airport

Two armed gunmen held up security guards at the Port Elizabeth Airport early on Tuesday morning and got away with an undisclosed amount of cash. 

It is understood the business robbery took place at the ACSA offices opposite the Wimpy restaurant. 

It is alleged that two security officers were collecting money from the parking meter machines and were busy opening a storeroom door when they were approached by two gunmen.

The two suspects wore hoodie tops and balaclavas around their faces.

The gunmen allegedly pointed firearms at the guards then pushed and locked them inside the storeroom.

The suspects got away with an undisclosed amount of cash and a cellphone. 

It’s understood the trapped security guards banged on the storeroom door from the inside and called for help. 

A member of the public apparently heard the banging and called upon other security officers to unlock the storeroom. 

No shots were fired and no arrests have been made. 

Police are investigating a case of business robbery.

Official police could not immediately provide comment.  

-African News Agency (ANA)