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George learners in line for bursaries from Public Enterprises Minister

Learners from four high schools in George will be offered ten bursaries for the 2018 academic year from Public Enterprises Minister, Lynne Brown.

The Minister will be accompanied by Western Cape MEC for Education, Debbie Schäfer, to the career expo in George on Monday and will guide Grade 10-12 learners on career paths that they can pursue to become future artisans and engineers.

Learners from the Thembalethu, Imizamoyethu, Parkdene and George High schools will be informed how they can qualify for future bursary opportunities at the career expo.

"Admission at tertiary institutions without funding leaves many prospective students destitute. To this end Minister Brown requested the State Owned Company, (SOC) Eskom, to reserve 10 bursaries for top learners in the George region to attend tertiary institutions of their choice next year," the Department of Public Enterprises said in a statement.

"Minister Brown's allocation of the bursaries is part of the Department's Back-to-School campaign to resource poor schools and motivate academically deserving learners as part of efforts by government to advocate and promote academic excellence in the country."

"At the event, learners will also be treated to a world of knowledge and exposed to career opportunities in industries such as engineering, aviation and forestry, among others. Over 20 exhibitors from Government, SOCs and the private sector will showcase their bursary and learnerships schemes and how learners can access them," the statement said.

Minister Brown will hand-over 2000 dignity packs, 100 school shoes and school uniforms to 20 under-privileged leaners.

What's more is that SOCs reporting to Minister Brown have also contribute through their respective Corporate Social Investment programmes to the following:

The event will take place at Municipality Civic Centre in George.