George Integrated Public Transport Network taking shape
01 Feb 2016 | Admin Author
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Western Cape Transport Minister, Robin Carlisle, says the George Integrated Public Transport Network is taking shape.
The project, known as Go George, is South Africa's first non-metro integrated public transport system, and has been adopted as the pilot project for the future roll out of other Integrated Public Transport Networks outside of large cities.
Carlisle says Go George will be the city's first formal scheduled bus service that will connect thousands of George residents to their places of work in a safe, dependable, and cost effective way.
The network, among other things, will boast over 25 routes across George - a scheduled and safe 18 hours a day, 7 days a week service and subsidised fares with an integrated fare management system.
Minister Carlisle says 40 million rand has been invested in upgrades and infrastructure for the Go George bus network.