Various fake news being spread on social media is posting a huge threat on efforts to relieve and successfully counter the situation caused by the devastating fires in Knysna.
Rumours and fake news that is currently doing the rounds that two people with petrol cans had been arrested in connection with the fires in George and surroundings are utterly false and unfounded. No arrests in this regard have been made yet. This same voice note alleges involvement of the two "suspects" in the devastating fires from Knysna to Port Elizabeth. This is also not true.
Further rumours indicating the hi-jacking of delivery trucks who delivers humanitarian relieve packages to Knysna is also untrue.
The validity of all these rumours has been verified and found to be fake news. We appeal on social media operators to revert from this practice as it creates further havoc and chaos in a situation where resources are already stretched to its limits.
We have increased visibility on the main and exit routes to and from Knysna by redirecting Saps and traffic, both local and provincial officials en-route to ensure the safety of all road users and the public in general.