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Energy Minister visits Coega Industrial Development Zone

The Minister of Energy Dikobe Ben Martins says the current renewable energy projects will assist the country to alleviate the problem of load shedding.

Martins was speaking at Coega on Sunday at the launch of two projects, namely the DCD Wind Towers manufacturing facility, and the multi-million rand steel plant, which will operate a high tech smelting facility in the Coega IDZ.

He said when two power plants under construction come into commission, the country will not have to face the current difficulties.

Martins also visited the Metro Wind Farm on Saturday, and said other independent power producers will assist the country in mitigating the challenges.

"When Kusile and Medupi power stations come into commission we will not have the difficulty that we are presently having. On Saturday we visited Metro wind farm,other independent power producers will assist the country in mitigating the challenge that we currently have." says Martins