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Eden District Municipality issues "urgent notice" after man dies of water-borne disease

The Eden District Municipality is coducting extensive tests on water samples from the Kaaimans River and estuary in the Wilderness.

This, after an elderly man who swam in the river recently died from a waterborne bacteria identified as Vibrio Vulni-ficus which according to the US Centre for Disease Control the bacteria is in the same family as those that cause cholera and gastro intestinal illness.

The Eden District Municipality issued the following "urgent notification" on Thursday:

"A relatively fit 81 year old Caucasian male died on Friday, 5 February 2016 after swimming in the Kaaimans River and died within 72 hours, after admission to the George Medi-Clinic Hospital.  Microbiological testing of the wound area of the diseased confirmed that the bacteria, Vibrio vulnificus was present.  According to the CDC in the USA, the mortality rate after Vibrio vulnificus infection is between 36%-50%."

"This bacteria is found naturally worldwide in warm coastal waters and there is no association with sewage contamination.  Vibrio vulnificus infection is not a notifiable disease in RSA, but in the USA (Atlanta Georgia) it is notifiable."

"For the bacteria to increase to the point where it can cause harm to humans, the water temperature should be between 20?C and 31?C.  The salinity of the water should also be not too salt or too fresh, i.e. brackish water normally found around the point of interface between the oceanic water and rivers. Transmission is from eating raw or undercooked shellfish, particularly oysters harvested from warm waters. Infections may occur when open soft tissue wounds are exposed to warm estuaries (If the person is immune compromised the risk of infection is increased)."

"The Eden Environmental Health section has indicated that for the time being no beaches will be closed or official warning signage will be erected, their actions will be limited to public awareness and education as well as the inclusion of testing for the bacteria, Vibrio vulnificus, as part of their current water sampling program. In addition they will also focus their sampling on areas where the water temperature as well as salinity levels could be conducive to the multiplication of the bacteria Vibrio vulnificus."

For More Information the public should conact Eden District Municipality's Health and Environmental Services.