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EC police hot on the heels of a murderous gang

Eastern Cape police says they're hot on the heels of a murderous gang who are believed to be behind three murders and an armed robbery.

Provincial police spokesperson, Captain Khaya Tonjeni, says Lusikisiki detectives together with members of the Provincial Tracing Team are in pursuit.

He says the drama began early Wednesday night when three men armed with firearms and knives robbed a shop in the Bukazi Administration Area near Port St Johns.

Tonjeni says as the men fled they opened fire, wounding a customer while allegedly stabbing two others to death.

Captain Tonjeni told Algoa FM News that on the same day police were informed of a taxi driver who was stabbed to death in the Mpumaze Administrative Area near Flagstaff.

He says there are allegations that he was stabbed by men who were armed with firearms and knives, but at this stage a link between the two crimes cannot be confirmed.

Tonjeni says a task team has been set-up and an arrest is imminent.