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EC initiate reportedly dies from asthma attack

The Eastern Cape Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department has registered its eight death of initiates in the province.

Department spokesperson Mamnkeli Ngam, says the 18-year-old initiate died in Mdantsane near East London on Tuesday.

Ngam highlighted the deceased was a legally registered initiate who suffers from Asthma.

According to a witness, the initiate suffered an asthma attack and died.

Ngam says a postmortem will be conducted to determine the exact cause of death.

According to reports, the teenager did have an asthma pump with him at the school.

Ngam shared his condolences on behalf of the Department to the family of the victim.

He urged all monitoring teams to ensure the safe passage to manhood. Ngam encouraged families and traditional leaders to refer any initiate, who shows a sign of ill health, to be taken to a hospital immediately.