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EC: First phase of shale gas exploration starts

The Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development says it has begun the first phase of shale gas exploration across a wide swathe of the province covering four district municipalities.

The Department says the initial study, being conducted with the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, involves the creation of a forensic base-line for shallow ground water reservoirs in the Eastern Cape ahead of actual exploitation.

Department spokesperson, Sixolile Makaula, says this will be achieved through a ground-water monitoring program with community-based participation to stimulate capacity building and entrepreneurship.

He says in addition to the Cacadu District, in which the Karoo is located, the department is also looking at shale gas potential in the Amathole, Joe Gqabi and Chris Hani District Municipalities.

Makaula says the shale gas project will dovetail with an initiative to make the Eastern Cape the new energy hub of South Africa.