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EC Finance MEC tables R64.9bn budget

Eastern Cape MEC for Provincial Finance and Treasury, Sakhumzi Somyo, has tabled a budget of around 65 billion rand for the 2015/2016 financial year.

As expected the lions share went to the Department of Education which receives R29.4bn and the Department of Health, which has been allocated a budget of R18.4bn.

In tabling his budget policy statement in the Bhisho Legislature on Friday, MEC Somyo said "that over the Medium Term Economic Framework the Department of Education will receive over 91.5 billion rand which he says will go along way in addressing some of the challenges" in the education in the province.

Somyo also said that over the medium term the focus on the Department of Health will be on consolidating the impact that government's making in the reduction and treatment of TB and HIV & Aids infections.

He says in this regard, an allocation of R1.577 billion is made available for Comprehensive HIV and AIDS program. 

Asked about his budget priorities, Somyo said "..we have to emphasise is that in the first instance we must protect the Constitutionally prescribed functions like Health and Education, which are gaining more than 70% of the allocation in terms of the budget."

"In the second instance taking forward the development of the province we must look at supporting infrastructure delivery, investing in agricultural development, promoting inclusive economic growth and creation of employment in the province."

"And as well we must look into areas of social security cohesion and supporting local government for their own functionality and stability to ensure that our people enjoy a consistent government overall."

Addressing his plans to tackle corruption, Somyo said Bhisho has moved to adopt a legal framework which is prescriptive in taking all employees of government away from doing business with government.

"Secondly, is the point that relates to those who are assigned tasks they observe them, that they take their jobs seriously. In that instance we are to strengthen performance management systems which is going to ensure that those who are employed remain accountable.  Taking the cue fom what the premier has done with members of the Executive Council (to) signing a stringent performance-related operation.  That's what we must do going forward," the MEC said.

"On the issue of job creation and the industrial development zones, Somyo said the IDZ's are a critical link with industrial development in the province.  They are our flagships.  Our view is that we must provide sustainable support for them to withstand the pressures, which may be financial in some instances, to keep them in the operational line, to keep on builiding on investments," said Somyo. 

"Financially, we are having a plan to be modelled around their current financial needs and we are in need of a business plan which is going to determine the quantums of the amount which are supposed to be given out for their support," he said.

Commenting on the R29.4bn allocation to his department, Education MEC Mandla Makupula, said "today (Friday), is a great day for education given the increase (in the budget allocation)."

"Indeed we are taking the lions share of the budget, almost 45%, an increase of almost R2bn.  It's in recognition of the fact that the ANC government has prioritised education.  I'm satisfied," Makupula said.

"It's quite clear taking the cue from the President and the Premier, who had indicated an emphasis on ensuring access to education, especially foundation phase, your early childhood development.  Secondly, taking into the dynamic situation of population migration, both within and outside the province, the move to urban areas and therefore in the rural areas we are taking the approach to consolidate schools that have boarding facilities for effective resourcing and quality teaching and learning."

"Also, the question of school functionality become very primary, leadership and strengthening leadership of schools as well as teacher development and curriculum transformation.  What's new is the focus on building those boarding facilities.  There's an amount of R120m stipulated specifically for starting a programme around building boarding facilities," Makupula added.

"We are ready to dispense that kind of budget in the financial year, now that there is also an additional R100m set aside to increase the hectarage in the province.  It is telling us that our plans, our business plans must be ready to access more because there's also a national interest to help Eastern Cape as a catalyst to unlock huge agricultural potential."

"Definitely sure when it comes to livestock, when it come to cropping, when it comes to infrastructure, the budget to us creates much more value and I think it's going to assist the province going forward," Qoboshiyane said.

Meanwhile, commenting on the budget, the Democratic Alliance said "there is nothing to celebrate in this budget."

" Poor stewardship of the province's finances erodes our limited resources which is compounded by rampant corruption that did not receive a mention.   The province is wobbling along a fiscal tightrope, due to the percentage decline in our equitable share, with the budget increasing by 4.6%, which is below inflation," Stevenson said.

"This means we need to do more with less.  The full implication of this issue was not adequately addressed in the budget. The DA is disappointed that there were no game-changer announcements," he added.