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EC “cannibal” victim to be laid to rest Saturday

Hundreds of mourners are expected to attend the funeral service of Thembeka Masumpa at her home in Mpamba village in Kwa-Bhaca, formerly known as Mount Frere, on Saturday.

Thirty-five-year-old Masumpa, died when 23-year-old Aphiwe Mapekula allegedly hauled her off the streets, dragged her to his home where he slit her throat and allegedly ate pieces of her flesh.

The grisly murder took place two weeks ago.

Mapekula died later in hospital after he was shot by police who were summoned to the scene by the murdered woman’s mother.

 Alfred Nzo District Municipality Mayor, Sixolile Mehlomakhulu said it “was shocking and painful to lose the two young lives through such incident.” 

 He said both Umzimvubu Local Municipality and Alfred Nzo District Municipality have assisted the family with funeral arrangements as they were a struggling family.

 "The delegations from both municipalities visited the Masumpa family to send our condolences and to comfort them, we have seen that they needed assistance, hence we have stepped in", said Mehlomakhulu.

 "Once again we send our condolences to both the Masumpa and Mapekula families and we wish to put in on record that no family deserves the pain these two families are currently going through," he added.

 Umzimvubu Local Municipality mayor, Bulelwa Mabhengu said: "it’s unfortunate that our society has been exposed to one the most horrific incidents to unfold in our area. The municipality has visited both families to sympathize with the sudden loss of their loved ones. I’ts with this reason that we would like to plead with all communities to unite against this act and proactively rebuke cannibalism," said Mabengu.

 Mapekula will also be buried at his home in KwaBhaca on the same day.

(Image: Mapekula)