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Eastern Cape teacher vacancies orderded to be filled

The Eastern Cape High Court on Friday ordered the basic education department to fill all teacher vacancies in the province.

The Legal Resources Centre says in a statement Judge Clive Plasket ordered the department to appoint teachers to all vacant substantive posts on a permanent basis by November 2 this year.

LRC director Sarah Sephton says the salaries of all temporary teachers, which had been approved by the Eastern Cape basic education department, should be paid by August 17.

The court further directed the department to declare the 2013 teacher establishment for public schools no later than September this year.

These establishments should include posts for both teacher and non-teacher personnel and had to be fully funded.

The LRC, which filed the application against the department, was acting on behalf of the Centre for Child Law, four school governing bodies in the Eastern Cape, and the Bethelsdorp school governing body unit, representing 17 schools in Port Elizabeth.