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Eastern Cape RAF syndicate crushed

At least 32 suspects thought to be part of a crime syndicate in the Eastern Cape face charges of fraud over dodgy Road Accident Fund (RAF) claims of more than R7 million.

Hawks spokesperson Captain Anelisa Feni said the arrests were made during sting operations that began in February.
She said our members of the same syndicate were arrested in Flagstaff on Thursday, she said.

"They were arrested after they tried their luck to swindle the RAF of about R2 million for a false accident which they claimed happened in June 2007," said Feni.

"The RAF was about to pay out the claims when investigations revealed that the four were not even involved in the accident."

The four suspects aged between 35 and 60, were released on warning and were expected to appear before the Flagstaff Magistrate Court in July.

Feni said the other 28 suspects were already on trial in the Mthatha, Port St Johns and Bizana magistrate courts.
– African News Agency (ANA)