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East London 14th cheque stalemate concerns chamber

 Organised business in Buffalo City is calling for a speedy resolution of the impasse between the SA Municipal Workers Union, the Buffalo City Municipality and the SA Local Government Association.

Samwu workers are demanding that the Municipality pay what amounts to a 14th cheque, but according to Salga there is no agreement in the bargaining council on this issue.

In the meantime, the illegal strike has led to a situation where refuse continues to pile up in city streets.

Les Holbrook, the CEO of the Border Kei Chamber of Business says they're both concerned and frustrated.

He says there doesn't seem to be a solution in the offing any time soon.

"The other concern we have is that not much is being said by the leadership of the municipality and local government , as far as solving the issue. We are very worried about the ongoing impact of this particular strike, not only from a littering point of view. We have the African Open golf tournament coming up and this is the worst possible kind of picture we can portray of the Metro" he said