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Double drowning in Fish River

Police in Cradock will continue their search of the Fish River on Thursday in an effort to recover the body of a man in his late fifties who is suspected to have drowned on Wednesday. 

Police Captain Stefanie Smith says they received a distress call on Wednesday morning of two people who were crossing the river at a low water bridge near Tams and who were subsequently  swept away by the current.

The two, a woman aged 50 and the man, were on their way to work when the incident occurred. 

The body of the woman was later recovered  downstream near a weir by a K9 Search and Rescue handler from Cradock.

The victim has been identified as Sophie van Rooyen. 

Members of the K9 Search and Rescue unit from Port Elizabeth joined the team today to search for the second victim. 
The name of the man cannot be released at this stage.