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DA wants update op teacher shortages

 Democratic Alliance MP Annette Lovemore says Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, must provide a status update on teacher shortages in the Eastern Cape.

She says she wants the Minister to table the report in parliament.

Lovemore says her appeal follows reports that 6 schools ,one in Buffalo City and 5 in Graaff Reinet, have closed due to teacher shortages.

She blamed the situation on the inability of the education department to resolve its differences with teacher union Sadtu.

Lovemore says the union is blocking the transfer of teachers who are in excess to those schools where there are shortages.

Last week, Eastern Cape Education MEC, Mandla Makupula, warned of disciplinary action against school principals who are willfully ignoring instructions to provide details of excess teachers at their schools.

There are more than 6 000 teachers who are in excess at schools in the Eastern Cape.