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DA retains majority in Knysna

The Democratic Alliance has retained its outright majority in the Knysna council after a convincing victory in Wednesday's by-elections.

DA candidate Peter Myers garnered 99.15% or 1397 of the 1409 votes cast while the only other candidate, the ANCs Moyisi Magalela, only secured 12 votes. 

Mark Willemse also managed to obtain the majority of votes in Ward 9 with 68.98% or 1301 of the 1886 votes cast. 

Icosa's Neville Korkee received 317 votes, COPEs Ruth Christians managed 200 and the ANC's Donovan Pofadder received 68 votes.

Meanwhile, the ANC won the by-election in Ward 1 in the Makana Municipality at Grahamstown.

Melikhaya Pongolo retained the ward with 77.8% of the vote where the voter turn-out was just under 45%.

ANC provincial spokesperson, Mlibo Qoboshiyane, said the by-election victory is an indication that the ANC is taking the needs of the people seriously.

He says its also indication of confidence in the ANC.

In spite of the being on the losing side, the DA says it grew its support in Makana Ward One from a previous 14% to 22% this time around.