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Cruise ship assists in release of seal

A Southern Elephant Seal that underwent rehabilitation at U-Shaka Marine World in Durban was released into the ocean off Port Elizabeth from the MSC cruise-liner Sinfonia, which docked in the city on Saturday.

Twenty-two-month-old Selso was embarked onboard the cruise liner in Durban on the 9th and released off the PE coast two days later.

MSC says during his brief cruise, Selso was cared for by a vet and two keepers.

Originally from Sub-Antarctic regions, the underweight elephant seal washed up on a KZN beach last year and then underwent a long period of rehabilitation.

It was then decided Selso's best option would be to be released once he had reached a weight of 180kg and had completed his annual moult.

Selso recently reached both milestones, now tipping the scales at 200 kilograms.

Before his release he was fitted with a satellite tag which will allow scientists from Oceans & Coasts to monitor his whereabouts for up to a year after his release.