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Crew evacuated after bulk carrier runs aground near Knysna

 All 19 Ukrainian and Filipino crew of the 165 metre long bulk rice carrier, the Kiani Satu, have been brought safely ashore after it ran aground at Walker Point at Buffels Bay between Knysna and Sedgefield.

The NSRI's Craig Lambinon says the crew were airlifted off the ship by a Sikorski 76 helicopter in relays a short while ago.

"Only two minor injuries were recorded, a hand injury and a ankle injury, but they were treated on the scene. All 19 crew will be transported to Mossel Bay to be processed by the border line police to check their Visa's"

Lambinon says the vessel experienced mechanical trouble and washed side on to the shore in the early hours of Thursday morning.

He says she's now come to rest hard aground just a few 100 metres off-shore.

Lambinon says SA Maritime Safety Authority officials remain on the scene and the fully laden rice carrier will be assessed for salvage and efforts to prevent an environmental risks.

"It is only the bunker oil that will pose any kind of a threat not the rice itself, the Maritime authority are on the scene to prevent any disaster and to assess the salvage operation that will now take place" he said.