The Department of Environmental Affairs has published draft regulations for the rezoning of the Tsitsikamma Marine Protected Area for public comments.
The Department said the decision to rezone the area follows a 20-year battle initiated by Tsitsikamma anglers who requested fishing rights in the Marine Protected Area.
They cited cultural, historical and subsistence reasons for this.
According to the Department of Enironmental Affairs the zonation would not undermine conservation efforts, only 4 areas would be open for fishing with a certain number of fishing hours and days allocated.
A detailed monitoring plan which includes fixed underwater cameras and process will be implemented. Furthermore SANParks said it developed an operational plan which includes additional manpower for monitoring of access and regulations of permits.
No fishing would take place from a vessel in the Marine Protected Area and there would be a control of bag size and limits.
Only registered Tsitsikamma angler's residing within 8 kilometres of the Marine protected area between Covie and The Bloukrans River and within Koukamma Municipality
would be able to fish in the area.
SANparks says people who wish to register should apply to the management authority for registration with proof of address,SA ID and a valid recreation angling or bait permit issued i.t.o the Marine Living Resources Act.
Members of the public have 60 days to comment on the draft regulations which were published in the government gazetted on the 19 of November.
The proposed Zonation areas for the Tsitsikamma Marine protected Area are as follows:
The Tsitsikamma MPA Restricted Zone (TRZ) comprises the area along the coastline starting from coastal point (A) in the east to coastal point (B), from (B) 100 meters directly offshore from the high water mark to point (C), from (C) west following the coastline 100m seawards of the high water mark to point (D) and then shorewards to coastal point (E).
From the coastal point (E) west along the high water mark to coastal point (F), 100 meters directly offshore to point (G), from (G ) west following the coastline 100m seawards of the high water mark to point (H) and then shorewards to the high water mark at coastal point (I).
From the coastal point (I) west along the high water mark to coastal point (J), 100 meters directly offshore to point (K), from (K) west following the coastline 100m seawards of the high water mark to point (L).
Shorewards to the high water mark at coastal point (M), from coastal point (M) west along the high water mark to coastal point (N), 100 meters directly offshore to point (O), from (O) west following the coastline 100m seawards of the high water mark to point (P) and then shorewards to the high water mark at coastal point (Q).
From the coastal point (Q) west along the high water mark to point coastal (R) at Die Punt. From coastal point (R) 3 nautical miles south to point (S). From S a straight line to point T (approximately east and approximately 3 nautical miles offshore). From T a straight line to point U (approximately eastwards and approximately 3 miles offshore) and from U north to coastal point (A ).