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COGTA to take over Amahlathi Municipality

The Eastern Cape executive council has given COGTA MEC, Fikile Xasa the go-ahead to take over the embattled Amahlathi Municipality.

The Premier’s spokesman Sizwe Kupelo says a team of experts from the department of cooperative governance and traditional affairs would be deployed to run the affairs of the troubled municipality which has been marred by protests and alleged corruption.

During November last year, the ANC in the Eastern Cape fired embattled Amahlathi Municipality mayor Pateka Qaba following protests in Stutterheim.

The protests began in mid-October last year when angry jobless youths took to the streets, accusing Amahtlathi local municipality officials of offering jobs for sex, nepotism, and selling jobs.

Protesters torched Amathole and Amahlathi municipality buildings and a clinic.

The report pointed towards high ranking ANC leaders at the regional level and officials working together to embezzle municipal funds.

Kupelo said a team was expected to arrive at the municipality before the end of this week and will take over the administrative and financial affairs of the metro.